ICAR 2025 – March 29- April 4, Anand, India
March 29 - April 4
The next IDF/ISO Analytical Week 2025 will be held in conjunction with the ICAR congress (International Committee for Animal Recording) hosted by the National Dairy Development Board, in Anand, India.
The week is the annual meeting of the dairy experts that develop the joint program of IDF/ISO for standards for milk and milk products. It is a key meeting to network, discuss the needs and challenges for the sector, as well as exchange with the testing manufacturers on the latest developments.
While the business meetings are reserved to members of IDF and ISO, the symposium is open to all: dairy laboratory managers, dairy scientists and analytical professionals to network and exchange ideas on the latest developments in analytical solutions and the launching of new initiatives.
The symposium will be joint with ICAR, and present the current joint projects, as well as standardization activities at the International and Indian level. It will also offer a discussion panel on the challenges and opportunities for harmonization and standardization of analytical methods in the region.
Registration and more details should be available on a website by the end of the year.